Woza Moya is a lifeline of support and a beacon of hope to hundreds,
(thousands if you include their dependents), of otherwise desperate people whilst masquerading as a beautiful little craft shop.

Meaning “come winds of change” in Zulu, Woza Moya is a social enterprise that was established in 2002 by the Hillcrest AIDS Centre Trust.

It objective is to reduce poverty through craft, providing an income to communities infected and affected by HIV/AIDS, mainly from the Valley of 1000 Hills area of Kwa-Zulu Natal.

Woza Moya assists men and women who are impacted by HIV /AIDS to earn a sustainable income. It has trained over 350 crafters and provides support to these crafters, most of whom are first time income earners and have 5-10 dependants.

Because crafting needs to be self-sustaining and operate as a business activity, Woza Moya realised that training was not enough, since there are many things that the crafters need professional help and organised support with, so it also: 
 … Provides ongoing training in craft skills such as beading, wirework, pottery, sewing, quilting, fabric painting, recycling, and ceramics
… Creates market linkage for crafters to unlock revenue potential across the value chain
… Sources a wide range of customers from domestic and export house across economic pyramids on behalf of the crafter
… Purchases the crafts from crafters to sell at a fair price, sees its ecommerce storemarket, and sells directly to individual customers as well as wholesale and retail markets locally & internationally
… Assumes responsibily for quality control and packaging of products

It prides itself on innovation and designs that make its beadwork a major exportable commodity.
”We have tried very hard to develop our own style we call “Woza Style” where key craftsmen and women have been identified, and whose work has been the inspiration behind the Woza style that is now a collectable item, with major galleries buying the work of Woza Moya crafters.
We felt it was very important to establish our own style so that we did not take work away from the traditional crafters as most of our crafters come to the centre not being able to do beadwork and are trained up at the centre.”

”We have used traditional beadwork in new and revolutionary ways, such as the Dreams 4 Africa Chair, the World’s First Beaded Suit, the 4m Map of Africa commissioned for the Moses Mabhida stadium, and the Beaded Curtain (bought by Wits Art Museum), to say nothing of Princess Charlene of Monaco wearing a Terence Bray creation weighing 8kgs, fully beaded by Woza Moya.

Paula Thomson, Woza Moya executive manager and marketing & product development guru

As well as absolutely gorgeous beaded necklaces that always cause a comment, the trademark item of Woza Moya is the Little Traveller.
These tiny people can be attached to people’s clothing and travel across the world! They come with their own passport (so that you can log journeys on via the Facebook page), and a charm that is irresistible. Each crafter who makes the Little Traveller, gives each doll its own character.

Here’s where this initiative could use your help
The Hillcrest AIDS Centre Trust (HACT), runs a 24-bed Respite Unit called Othandweni, which translates as “place of love.” 
This unit offers recovery, palliative, and respite care to children and adults in advanced stages of AIDS and cancer.
For many, Othandweni is more than just a medical facility; it’s a symbol of hope and a second chance at life. But its battling to keep its doors open and operational.

This is where Adopt-A-Bed Campaign steps in, and you are invited to be a part of this incredible mission. Whether you’re a company, a church, or an individual, your  contributions will directly support patient care, giving them the best opportunity to return home to their families. Your commitment can have a profound impact.

If you’re ready to make a difference and bring hope and healing to those in need, contact the Marketing and Fundraising team at +27 31 765 5866 or via email at [email protected].