14063241_148516168926730_1000251593_nThe impression many people around the world have of Africa is about to be blown away by magnificent photos that have won the Africa 2016 Photo Competition, held by global logistics provider Agility.

The series of photographs show how quickly Africa is modernising, growing … and even leading the way in new technology.

The annual contest, now in its second year, is a pan-Africa photography competition focusing on Africa’s rapid modernisation.

This year’s competition drew more than 2,500 photographs from professional and amateur photographers in 30 countries.

The winning photographs and the runners-ups were featured at a session at the United Nations General Assembly in New York earlier this month and will be shown at the Thomson Reuters Africa Summit 2016 in Cape Town in October.

They will also be showcased in Forbes Africa, on CNBC Africa, and in Agility’s corporate magazine, Tradelanes.

Geoffrey White, CEO of Agility Africa, said: “The winning images speak eloquently about the historic change underway in Africa and the opportunities for Africans, African businesses and the world… We are proud to show the world powerful images that capture a more positive view of Africa and demonstrate the progress that has already been made, hopefully changing the perceptions of Africa in 2016.”

Picture credit: “Cape Town city, Camps Bay Tidal Pool” – Dercio Chim Jim (@drawing_with_lights)

Acknowledgment: SA People: Photo Competition Winners Show An Africa That Will Surprise Many