”Fresh combinations of whimsy fused with Zulu folklore” … as Fraser Conlon, director of Amaridian, a New York City gallery specializing in contemporary African arts and design, observes in his thoughtful article on Ardmore, published in Hand/Eye magazine’s 09 South Africa edition.
”At first glance, ceramic powerhouse Ardmore impresses with its virtuoso combination of sculpture and painting. One cannot look at an Ardmore piece without smiling and it is this aspects that captivates audiences the world over.”
”Ardmore’s reach is now global … the acclaimed auction house Christie’s has acknowledged Ardmore pieces as ”modern day collectibles,” and the work continues to realize record breaking results on the secondary market.”
”Ardmore has also been included in the Museum of Arts & Design‘s permanent collection in New York, as well as in the Museum of Cultures in Basel, Switzerland, the Tatham Art Gallery, Pietermaritzburg and the Durban Art Gallery, South Africa.”
See Hand/Eye magazine’s Honoring Tradition & Originality. What Keith Recker, the editor and founder wrote about his recent trip to South Africa was that he ”met so many colossally talented artisans, designers and artists … and found so many inspiring people and projects, that stories have had to overflow from the printed page onto handeyemagazine.com”. They produce quarterly magazines and weekly email updates. Their ethos? Connecting cultures ~ inspiring action.