
In conjunction with The New York Times and SCRUFF, a leading gay dating app with 10 million members, Cape Town has been ranked among the world’s top five ”off the beaten path” and ”surprisingly gay-friendly” LGBT travel destinations (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender).

This ranking is based on two travel-based surveys conducted by SCRUFF. The first sought to determine travel trends among gay men while the second, conducted in collaboration with The New York Times Travel Section, was designed to dig deeper – and asked the questions where do gay men like to travel and why.

Its survey results revealed that gay guys travel more often than the general population, spend more, and often travel alone. What was also revealed were positive impressions about safety in travel destinations.

This ranking further validates why Cape Town is considered the gay capital of South Africa (and the continent).
The city is hip, fun and diverse, with top class restaurants and award winning wines.
Gay rights are bedrocked in South Africa’s liberal constitution. Cape Town’s gay community celebrates these achievements at its annual MCQP party (Mother City Queer Projects) that brings heteros and homosexuals together in a celebratory way each December, proving that differences are simply part of the city’s cultural richness.

To see other Top Destinations in the NY Times article: 6 L.G.B.T.-Friendly Places to Visit by