If you are craving Nature, longing to get your pulse going, yearning to take deep breaths of life-enhancing air, then why not plan now for when you can, in due course …
Re-set your equilibrium. Respond to primal impulses. Answer this ”Call of the Wild”.   

When you are in the African bush, far away from familiar surroundings, you feel as though you have come home.
Some say this is because your spirit recognizes the birthplace of its origin, others say it is because of the silence, because of the overwhelming presence of a creator. But nobody really knows.

In the wilderness, there is the grandeur, splendour, vastness, and remoteness that can be explained; the beauty, abundance of birds, animals, plants, flowers, the Southern Cross in the endless skies.  
But beyond that there is something that defies description.  

This something is the mystique of Africa, called Mal d’Afrika by the Latins many centuries ago.
The symptoms are extraordinary. Your life will never be the same again.
There is no escape, no known remedy.
Those who come here, with few exceptions cannot resist the infection.

You may have always been aware of nature, but in this condition the environment becomes dominant.
The sun, the same sun that has tracked your every footstep in life, takes on a new aura, becomes awesome – as if you’d never noticed it before.

The scope of your vision changes. You become preoccupied with distance, far horizons.
At the same time you notice small things, subtleties that previously seemed irrelevant – shades of colours become more noticeable than colours themselves.
Your hearing intensifies. Mechanical noises offend you as never before, you detect melodies in the trickle of a stream, hear voices in the rustling of leaves by the breeze.

The things you do in life become less important than the things you see, feel, and can touch.
You find yourself behaving peculiarly – whispering in the presence of animals, stroking plants.
Your spirit becomes detached, as if it wants to linger and be unhurried.

Deep emotions are stirred within you.
You laugh more easily, yet a sunset can bring tears to your eyes.
Your values change. Mountains become friends, valleys pastures for your soul.
You feel a constant urge to get out, to walk, to be free.
You meet people and interact with cultures that are totally removed from your own, yet that seem strangely familiar.
You become more inclined to listen than to talk.

A yearning develops within you, a longing that is at once satisfied yet never saturated.
You feel compelled to come back again, and each time you do so the experience is somehow deeper than before.

What we wish for you is that you too succumb to mal d’Afrika
Did you know that in the Swahili language the word ”safari” means ”to journey”?
Since all journeys begin with dreams, let us help you escape to the wilderness
