Janneke and Gert Rebergen have a keen interest in social development projects and understand the importance of social entrepreneurship, of fair trade and sharing.

They are putting their art and social entrepreneurship expertise into supporting projects in South Africa. And are collaborating with us on a tour called ”Meet the Makers” by connecting interested visitors with their deeply established and sustained network of local artists and organizations.

Though travel-loving gypsies, Gert and Janneke regard South Africa as their second home after decades of visits and sustained ties with creative communities.

Their lifelong appreciation of art and design inspired them to open Gallery iZArte in their mother country, the Netherlands, that sold a range of products from southern Africa, and organized lectures, workshops, cultural exchanges and presentations.

They purchased the items in their collection from indigenous artists at a fair price, meaning that they walk their ethical talk. Since the gallery’s closure, while they now blog about eye-catching and inspiring news from South Africa, their new initiative offers their network and expertise to local projects, underpinned by these key words: art/craft art, social impact and social entrepreneurship.